Saturday, June 13, 2009


Response Week 4


Kristen Said:


So my eureka moment came to me when I though about how I really don't have that many male friends. I use to be one of those girls who had guy and girl friends and was equally close with them. Then I looked at my younger sister who has like all guy friends and only 1 close female friend. I realized she has so many guy fiends because all the girls don't like her because she is friends with these guys. I was equal with my friends where she is one of the girls who the guys love to hang out with But their girl friends hate. Haha! So my moment is this....girls and guys can be friends BUT can you have both??? This is the million $$ question.


My Response:


Wow, you know what, I dont have guy friends anymore either! Haha. I mean, I know that having a boyfriend makes a big difference with that in my life- because we spend so much time together that having close guy friends just doesn't really feel normal. I've always been like that though- I never had really close guy friends, maybe one or two that are still around. I can see that girls that are surrounded by boys might have a little stigma attached to them- maybe that they are different, that they dont like the same things girls like. I'm not sure, but I don't blame your sister because friendship with girls often involves a lot of emotional connections that do take a lot to keep together without creating fights and drama, in my experiences, friendship with guys have less strings attached because they hold different things as important.


Response Week 3


Ashley Said:                                             


The other day I was watching TV in my living room and I definitely had a Eureka Moment. I was watching Sister Sister re-runs on ABC Family. This particular episode really stood out. The episode was about how girls aren't allowed to play certain sports in high school. The two main characters (Tia and Tamara) really loved to ice skate and play hockey. The boys on the school hockey team laughed at them when they said they wanted to try out because they are girls. The boys of the team made remarks such as "you're a girl, this is a mans sport", or "you're going to cry when you break your nail", or finally "you're not tough enough to play because you're a girl". After hearing this, Tia and Tamara dressed as guys and went to the hockey team try outs and really showed the guys who made those comments how good they were. When they took off their hockey masks and when the guys saw the girls they were in complete shock. This is a really good example of gender in sports. I hate the fact that some guys feel that girls aren't strong enough to play on the same team as them. I've played sports my whole life and I'm very competitive. I've played against guys and I've beaten them. I don't think that gender should matter in sports because it doesn't matter if you're male or female, it matters how much passion and love you have for the game.


My Response:


I love that show! When is it on?
This is a great example of the different sexes in sports and how females are rarely taken seriously. I like how the girls proved the boys room- and that is good because it is a show directed toward younger people and sets a good model for future teens. There are a lot of examples of this in television and movies- however- I don't think sports have become as integrated in real life.

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